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Brownfields Assessment Grant Profile

Roseville, City of
Grant ID: 65824419.
Cooperative Agreement #: BP97503001

This profile provides a summary of basic grant information and the accomplishments reported to the US EPA by a Brownfields A brownfield is an abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial facility/site where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. EPA's Brownfields initiative helps communities mitigate potential health risks and restore the economic viability of such areas or properties. grant recipient.

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Profile Information

Roseville, City of
10/01/1999 to 09/30/2004

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Cooperative Agreement Contact

Linda Mangrum
(312) 353-2071

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Properties Addressed By This Cooperative Agreement

Property NameAddressProperty Page Link
Arthur St (Parcel #7)existing Arthur Street right-of-way Roseville, MN 55113Open
Cummins (Parcel #2)2690 Cleveland Ave N Roseville, MN 55113Open
First Industrial (Parcel #8)2720 Arthur Street North Roseville, MN 55113Open
Hagen Ventures (Parcel #13)2785 Fairview Ave N Roseville, MN 55113Open
Indianhead (Parcel #4)1947 County Road C West Roseville, MN 55113Open
Langton Lake Park (Parcel #11)Langton Lake Park Roseville, MN 55113Open
Northco Corp (Parcel #15)2770 Fairview Ave N Roseville, MN 55113Open
PIK TERMINAL (Parcels #6, 9, and 10)2690 Prior Ave N Roseville, MN 55113Open
Roseville Open Space (Parcel #12)unassigned address Roseville, MN 55113Open
Xtra Lease (Parcel #1)2700 Cleveland Ave N Roseville, MN 55113Open

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Assessment Activities

Property NameEPA FundingCompletion DateActivityLeveraged Funding
Arthur St (Parcel #7)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Cummins (Parcel #2)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
First Industrial (Parcel #8)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Hagen Ventures (Parcel #13)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Indianhead (Parcel #4)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Langton Lake Park (Parcel #11)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Northco Corp (Parcel #15)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
PIK TERMINAL (Parcels #6, 9, and 10)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Roseville Open Space (Parcel #12)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Xtra Lease (Parcel #1)$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00

EPA Assessment Funding: $0.00
Leveraged Funding: $0.00
Total Funding: $0.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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Cleanup Activities

There are no Cleanup Activities for this Cooperative Agreement.
Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
Costshare Funding:
Leveraged Funding:
EPA RLF Subgrant:
EPA RLF Program Income Loaned:
EPA RLF Program Income Subgranted:
Total Funding: $0.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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Institutional & Engineering Controls

Property NameAre ICs Required?IC In PlaceAre ECs Required?EC In Place
Arthur St (Parcel #7)
Cummins (Parcel #2)
First Industrial (Parcel #8)
Hagen Ventures (Parcel #13)
Indianhead (Parcel #4)
Langton Lake Park (Parcel #11)
Northco Corp (Parcel #15)
PIK TERMINAL (Parcels #6, 9, and 10)
Roseville Open Space (Parcel #12)
Xtra Lease (Parcel #1)

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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

There are no Redevelopments for this Cooperative Agreement.

Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Leveraged Funding:
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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