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Brownfields Assessment Grant Profile

Great Northern Development Corporation Inc.
Grant ID: 69601940.
Cooperative Agreement #: BF96828001

This profile provides a summary of basic grant information and the accomplishments reported to the US EPA by a Brownfields A brownfield is an abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial facility/site where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. EPA's Brownfields initiative helps communities mitigate potential health risks and restore the economic viability of such areas or properties. grant recipient.

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Profile Information

Great Northern Development Corporation Inc.
10/01/2014 to 09/30/2017
Regionally Funded
Hazardous, Petroleum

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Cooperative Agreement Contact

Gregory Davis
(303) 312-6314

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Properties Addressed By This Cooperative Agreement

Property NameAddressProperty Page Link
204 & 206 F Street W. 204 F. Street West 206 F. Street WestPoplar, MT 59255Open
208 & 210 F St. West208 F Street W 210 F Street WPOPLAR, MT 59255Open
918 Bridge Street918 Bridge Street MILES CITY, MT 59301Open
Butch's Exxon401 F Street West POPLAR, MT 59255Open
County Shop Culbertson503 8th Street East CULBERTSON, MT 59218Open
Ekalaka Elementry School209 Park St EKALAKA, MT 59324Open
Ekalaka Triangle Property104-110 North Main Stree EKALAKA, MT 59324Open
Former Armory2500 Main Street West MILES CITY, MT 59301Open
Former Circle Bulk PlantNone Assigend by City CIRCLE, MT 59215Open
Former Glasgow AFB HospitalBuilding # 513 Ave F SAINT MARIE, MT 59231Open
Former Petro Lane503 US highway 2 East WOLF POINT, MT 59201Open
Former VFW Club 108 Main Street Wolf Point, MT 59201Open
Frazer Community Center419 Main Street FRAZER, MT 59225Open
Jolly Swagman150 F St West POPLAR, MT 59255Open
Knows His Gun Properties323 S. Cheyenne Ave LAME DEER, MT 59043Open
Magruder Motors209 1st Avenue South Glasgow, MT 59230Open
Old Washington School115 East Montana Avenue BAKER, MT 59313Open
R.L Irle Elementary School828 8th Street North Glasgow, MT 59230Open
Richey Library and Senior Center223 S. Main St. 102 S. Main St.RICHEY, MT 59259Open
Riggs Building805-807 Main Street MILES CITY, MT 59301Open
Wolf Point City Shop215 Cascade Street WOLF POINT, MT 59201Open

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Assessment Activities

Property NameEPA FundingCompletion DateActivityLeveraged Funding
204 & 206 F Street W. $15,183.0006/30/2016Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
208 & 210 F St. West$3,375.0011/30/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
208 & 210 F St. West$26,075.0006/30/2016Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
918 Bridge Street$2,057.0009/29/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
County Shop Culbertson$18,395.0003/28/2017Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Ekalaka Elementry School$2,725.0004/23/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Ekalaka Elementry School$10,365.0004/23/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Ekalaka Triangle Property$3,899.0002/03/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former Armory$3,040.0006/24/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former Armory$8,774.0007/01/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former Circle Bulk Plant$4,433.0004/22/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former Circle Bulk Plant$8,635.0011/30/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former Glasgow AFB Hospital$3,450.0002/16/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former Petro Lane$16,854.0008/19/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former VFW Club $3,066.0011/03/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former VFW Club $7,722.0009/15/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Frazer Community Center$16,021.0009/15/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Knows His Gun Properties$9,031.0007/24/2017Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Magruder Motors$3,325.0007/16/2015Cleanup Planning$0.00
Old Washington School$2,422.0002/03/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Old Washington School$10,202.0010/28/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Richey Library and Senior Center$5,063.0006/02/2017Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Riggs Building$12,136.0009/30/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Wolf Point City Shop$6,657.0008/18/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00

EPA Assessment Funding: $202,905.00
Leveraged Funding: $0.00
Total Funding: $202,905.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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Cleanup Activities

Property NameEPA FundingIs Cleanup Required?Completion Date
Ekalaka Elementry School$0.00Yes06/01/2019$120,000.00
R.L Irle Elementary School$0.00Yes07/31/2015$50,000.00
Cleanup Jobs Leveraged: 1
Costshare Funding:
Leveraged Funding: $170,000.00
EPA RLF Subgrant:
EPA RLF Program Income Loaned:
EPA RLF Program Income Subgranted:
Total Funding: $170,000.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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Institutional & Engineering Controls

Property NameAre ICs Required?IC In PlaceAre ECs Required?EC In Place
204 & 206 F Street W. No
208 & 210 F St. WestNo
918 Bridge StreetNoNoNoNo
Butch's Exxon
County Shop Culbertson
Ekalaka Elementry SchoolNoNoNoNo
Ekalaka Triangle PropertyNoNoNoNo
Former ArmoryNoNoNo
Former Circle Bulk PlantNoNoNoNo
Former Glasgow AFB HospitalNoNoNoNo
Former Petro Lane
Former VFW Club NoNoNoNo
Frazer Community CenterNoNoNoNo
Jolly SwagmanNoNoNoNo
Knows His Gun PropertiesNoNo
Magruder MotorsNoNo
Old Washington SchoolNoNoNoNo
R.L Irle Elementary SchoolNoNoNoNo
Richey Library and Senior Center
Riggs BuildingNoNoNoNo
Wolf Point City ShopNoNoNoNo

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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

Property NameStart DateCompletion DateLeveraged FundingAcres Of Greenspace CreatedRedevelopment Jobs Leveraged
Ekalaka Elementry School08/05/201902/03/2020$230,000.004
R.L Irle Elementary School07/20/2015$304,650.002

Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged: 6
Leveraged Funding: $534,650.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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