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128(a) Grant Profile

R4 TBA - Tennessee (STAG Funded)
Grant ID: 69605812.
Cooperative Agreement #: n/a

This profile provides a summary of basic grant information and the accomplishments reported to the US EPA by a Brownfields A brownfield is an abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial facility/site where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. EPA's Brownfields initiative helps communities mitigate potential health risks and restore the economic viability of such areas or properties. grant recipient.

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Profile Information

R4 TBA - Tennessee (STAG Funded)
Regionally Funded

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Cooperative Agreement Contact

Derek Street
(404) 562-8574

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Properties Addressed By This Cooperative Agreement

Property NameAddressProperty Page Link
Civic Forum Redevelopment1001 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402Open
Clinch River Corporation728 Emory Street Harriman, TN 37748Open
Conalco Drive180 Conalco Drive JACKSON, TN 38301Open
Decaturville Sportswear Property39 South Street Decaturville, TN 38329Open
Former Scandlyn Oil Service StationIntersection of West First St. and Alberta Ave. Oneida, TN 37841Open
Former Tannery918 N. Main Street Bolivar, TN 38008Open
Frosty Morn Meats625 Frosty Morn Drive Clarksville, TN 37040Open
Ladies of Charity/former Lindsay Texaco Station1101 North Central Street Knoxville, TN 37917Open
Land Trust for TN - Mtn Goat TrailR20 mile rail corridor Monteagle, TN 37365Open
McClung Warehouse401-525 W Jackson Avenue KNOXVILLE, TN 37902Open
Monteagle Railroad BridgeSR15 & US Hwy 41A at Hwy 24, Exit 134MONTEAGLE, TN 37356Open
Morrill Electric281 Jennie Moore Road FLAG POND, TN 37657Open
Power Oil CompanyNational Drive Huntsville, TN 37756Open
River Front Development ProjectNashville Metropolitian Government Nashville, TN 37205Open
Riverview Apartments Property1013 Douglass Street Kingsport, TN 37660Open
Tennessee Wheel and Rubber817 18th Avenue Nashville, TN 37206Open

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Assessment Activities

Property NameEPA FundingCompletion DateActivityLeveraged Funding
Civic Forum Redevelopment$56,500.0012/16/2003Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Civic Forum Redevelopment$0.00Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Clinch River Corporation$0.0005/02/2005Phase I Environmental Assessment$6,629.00
Clinch River Corporation$100,000.0012/07/2005Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Conalco Drive$15,000.0004/17/2024Cleanup Planning$0.00
Conalco Drive$14,000.0011/21/2022Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Conalco Drive$160,168.0003/01/2023Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Decaturville Sportswear Property$72,000.0006/16/2006Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former Scandlyn Oil Service Station$165,000.0002/23/2011Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former Tannery$21,381.0008/01/2023Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Ladies of Charity/former Lindsay Texaco Station$67,492.0006/26/2009Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Land Trust for TN - Mtn Goat Trail$23,500.0006/06/2022Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Land Trust for TN - Mtn Goat Trail$89,500.0005/16/2016Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
McClung Warehouse$14,700.0008/03/2015Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
McClung Warehouse$81,000.0008/03/2015Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Monteagle Railroad Bridge$8,000.0010/07/2019Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Morrill Electric$6,800.0012/14/2017Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Morrill Electric$80,472.0003/27/2018Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Power Oil Company$0.0005/28/2009Phase I Environmental Assessment$5,000.00
Power Oil Company$109,000.0004/29/2011Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
River Front Development Project$1.0011/01/2008Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00
Riverview Apartments Property$7,250.00Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Tennessee Wheel and Rubber$16,743.0001/15/2009Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Tennessee Wheel and Rubber$60,688.0011/04/2009Phase II Environmental Assessment$0.00

EPA Assessment Funding: $1,169,195.00
Leveraged Funding: $11,629.00
Total Funding: $1,180,824.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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Cleanup Activities

There are no Cleanup Activities for this Cooperative Agreement.
Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
Costshare Funding:
Leveraged Funding:
EPA RLF Subgrant:
EPA RLF Program Income Loaned:
EPA RLF Program Income Subgranted:
Total Funding: $0.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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Institutional & Engineering Controls

Property NameAre ICs Required?IC In PlaceAre ECs Required?EC In Place
Civic Forum Redevelopment
Clinch River Corporation
Conalco Drive
Decaturville Sportswear Property
Former Scandlyn Oil Service StationYesNo
Former Tannery
Frosty Morn MeatsNoNoNo
Ladies of Charity/former Lindsay Texaco StationNoNo
Land Trust for TN - Mtn Goat TrailNoNoYesNo
McClung WarehouseYesNoYesNo
Monteagle Railroad BridgeNoNoNoNo
Morrill ElectricYesNoYesNo
Power Oil CompanyNo
River Front Development Project
Riverview Apartments Property
Tennessee Wheel and RubberYesNoYesNo

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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

Property NameStart DateCompletion DateLeveraged FundingAcres Of Greenspace CreatedRedevelopment Jobs Leveraged
Monteagle Railroad Bridge04/30/202010/30/2020$947,737.00

Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Leveraged Funding: $947,737.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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