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2120 25th Av Gulfport, MS 39506
30.376485 / -89.092574
Gross, Brian

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Property Location

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Property Progress

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CAs Associated with this Property

CA NameCA #StateTypeAnnouncement Year
Gulfport, City of BF95482611MSAssessment2011

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Assessment Activities at this Property

ActivityEPA FundingStart DateCompletion DateCAAccomplishment Counted?Counted When?
Phase I Environmental Assessment$3,485.0006/29/201207/26/2012Gulfport, City of YFY13
Phase II Environmental Assessment$16,756.0002/04/201304/15/2013Gulfport, City of N

Is Cleanup Necessary? No
EPA Assessment Funding: $20,241.00
Leveraged Funding:
Total Funding: $20,241.00

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment.

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Contaminants and Media

Cleanup Activities

There are no current cleanup activities.

Cleanup/Treatment Implemented:
Cleanup/Treatement Categories:
Addl Cleanup/Treatment info:
Address of Data Source:
Total ACRES Cleaned Up: .18
Number of Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
EPA Cleanup Funding:
Leveraged Funding:
Cost Share Funding:
Total Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls


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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

Start DateLeveraged FundingCACompletion Date
05/17/2013$150,000.00Gulfport, City of 12/31/2014
05/17/2013$500,000.00Gulfport, City of

Number of Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Actual Acreage of Greenspace Created:
Leveraged Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Redevelopment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation – Redevelopment

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Additional Property Attributes

The property was developed as early as 1912 with a barbershop and several dwellings, and various commercial uses have occurred to the present time. The historic 1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance map indicates that the property was occupied by an auto sales and service/private garage, with a gasoline underground storage tank and a solvent tank.This assessment has revealed no evidence of recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property, with the following exception:� The historical use of the property for automotive service, and the former presence of a gasoline underground storage tank and solvent tank represent a recognized environmental condition.A Phase IIESA was performed.The purpose of the Phase II ESA was to determine if indicator compounds consistent with the property�s historical use have impacted the soils or groundwater at concentrations exceeding the MDEQ Tier 1 Target Remedial Goals (TRGs).Results of the Phase II ESA indicated arsenic concentrations in soil greater than the Tier 1 TRG (unrestricted usage), and within the range of expected background or naturally-occurring levels. All other analytes were reported as below detection limits or less than applicable Tier 1 TRGs.Therefore, no further environmental assessment are necessary.

Former Use: At the time of the site reconnaissance performed on July 10, 2012, the property was in use as two unoccupied office suites (Suite A and Suite B) and two commercially occupied office suites (Suite C and Suite D). The property is owned by Mr. Glenn Miller.Mr. Miller indicated that the original portions of the existing building were first constructed in 1922. When Mr. Miller purchased the property in 2005, the building was occupied by Showgirls Lingerie. In 2006, Mr. Miller indicated that the property was completely remodeled in order to comply with building codes at that time. From 2006 through 2008 the building was occupied by Blue Cliff College, and from 2008 to present the property has been leased to various tenants for office space, according to Mr. Miller. A review of city directories depicts the property as historically being commercially occupied. Con Survey City Directory lists the property as an insurance company in 1962 and 1968. Polk�s City Directory lists the property as an auto parts store in 1978, an antique shop in 1984, Showgirls Lingerie in 2002, Blue Cliff College in 2007, and Beyer�s Engineering in 2012. In 1973 the property was listed as vacant, and in 1990 and 1997 it was not listed in the Polk�s City Directories. The historical use of the property for automotive service, and the former presence of a gasoline underground storage tank and solvent tank represent a recognized environmental condition.
Commercial (.18)
Hazardous & Petroleum

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