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Profile Information

1 State Street Follansbee, WV 26037
05F14R000400000000, 05F14R000700000000, 05F14R000800000000
40.3230598 / -80.59565650000002
Nowak, Joseph

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Property Location

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Property Progress

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CAs Associated with this Property

CA NameCA #StateTypeAnnouncement Year
Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionBF96353701WVAssessment2017
Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionBF96378801WVAssessment2020
Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleBF96369901WVAssessment2019
Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleBF96345801WVAssessment2016

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Assessment Activities at this Property

ActivityEPA FundingStart DateCompletion DateCAAccomplishment Counted?Counted When?
Cleanup Planning$555.0009/05/201812/28/2018Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionN
Cleanup Planning$34,115.6704/01/201909/14/2020Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Cleanup Planning$3,145.0012/01/202109/09/2022Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission
Phase I Environmental Assessment08/10/201609/16/2016Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Phase II Environmental Assessment$30,000.0004/01/201909/14/2020Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionN
Phase II Environmental Assessment$9,140.0005/23/202203/15/2023Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission
Phase II Environmental Assessment$37,360.0004/01/201909/14/2020Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleN
Phase II Environmental Assessment$1,680.0010/09/201712/22/2017Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleYFY20
Phase II Environmental Assessment$15,000.0008/06/201812/28/2018Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionN
Phase II Environmental Assessment$138,995.0010/09/201712/22/2017Business Development Corporation of the Northern PanhandleYFY20
Phase II Environmental Assessment$450.0004/01/201909/14/2020Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning CommissionN

Is Cleanup Necessary? No
EPA Assessment Funding: $270,440.67
Leveraged Funding: $4,500.00
Total Funding: $274,940.67

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment

Selected Strategy(ies)Explanatory Text
N/AThis property does not incorporate planning or assessment activities to address impacts from extreme weather events and natural disasters. If no activities were incorporated, select this option.

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Contaminants and Media

Other Metals
Iron (Fe)
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up

Cleanup Activities

There are no current cleanup activities.

Cleanup/Treatment Implemented:
Cleanup/Treatement Categories:
Addl Cleanup/Treatment info:
Address of Data Source:
Total ACRES Cleaned Up: 57.9
Number of Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
EPA Cleanup Funding:
Leveraged Funding:
Cost Share Funding:
Total Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup

Selected Strategy(ies)Explanatory Text
N/AThis property does not incorporate demolition or cleanup activities to address impacts from extreme weather events and natural disasters. If no activities were incorporated, select this option.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls

Proprietary Controls Information Devices
Use for residential purposes, as defined by W.Va. Code Section 22-22-2(bb), including, but not limited to, schools, day care centers, nursing homes, or other residential- facilities or recreational centers> In Areas 2&3, accomplish 4 rounds of a monitored natural attenuation (MNA) demonstration to ensure that constituent concentrations in groundwater are stable or declining through January 2023. Monitoring will occur in a location near well #MW-4, a potable use of groundwater for the City of Follansbee and Hooverson Heights drinking water systems. CEC submitted Final MNA Report January 31, 2023. New property owners of Areas 2&3 are to perform decommissioning of monitoring wells.
Brooke County Clerk 632 Main St. Wellsburg, WV

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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

There are no current redevelopment activities.

Number of Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Actual Acreage of Greenspace Created:
Leveraged Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Redevelopment

Selected Strategy(ies)Explanatory Text
N/AThis property does not incorporate redevelopment activities to address impacts from extreme weather events and natural disasters. If no activities were incorporated, select this option.

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Additional Property Attributes

WV DEP has issued a Certificate of Completion for the 3.73 acres sold to Wheeling-Nisshin Steel referred to as Area 1 in the Final Report issued by the environmental engineer as CEC Project 164-123.2H2A. The Wheeling-Nisshin steel coating mill has purchased 3.73 acres to expand its existing operations.41.47 acres is Ohio River property that is unusable for development. The Subject Property is currently vacant. and is situated along the Ohio River. Since the early 1900s, industrial purposes were the primary land use. Until the 1980s, a manufacturer produced various items from sheet metal on the northern most city block between Broad Street and State Street. Other operations included a retail lumberyard, tool and die shop, and machine shop. All operations ceased in 2012 and the buildings demolished in 2014. Former Use: The Subject Property is currently vacant, but is awaiting a Certificate of Completion from WV DEP for the remaining acreage in the VRP. The 57.9 acre Subject Property comprised of 19 contiguous and noncontiguous parcels situated along the Ohio River. Since the early 1900s, industrial purposes were the primary land use. Until the 1980s, a manufacturer produced various items from sheet metal on the northern most city block between Broad Street and State Street. Other operations included a retail lumberyard, tool and die shop, and machine shop. All operations ceased in 2012 and the buildings demolished in 2014. Historically, Area 1 was used to manufacture metal products (celing iron, metal lockers, stove pipes, ovens, and milk and garbage cans) then assembling floating dock systems (steel, wood, and plastic components). Suspected Constituents of Concern (COCs) related to past industrial operations include metals, oils, and petroleum products. This property is divided into two parcels Area #1 and Area #2&3.For Area #1 CEC completed all Assessment and End Use Planning in March 2019. COC for Area #1 received December 2019 CEC initiated Assessment and End Use Planning in April 2019. COC for Area #2&3 received September 2020.
Industry (3.73)
ID Number (if Applicable): VRP# 17026 Enrolled: 05/01/2017

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