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Profile Information

Exide Smelter/Oxide Plant
305 Briarhill Road FLORENCE, MS 39073
32.161586993449 / -90.117590013015

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Property Location

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Property Progress

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CAs Associated with this Property

CA NameCA #StateTypeAnnouncement Year
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality4W02D41223MSSection 128(a) State/Tribal2022

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Assessment Activities at this Property

ActivityEPA FundingStart DateCompletion DateCAAccomplishment Counted?Counted When?
Phase I Environmental Assessment$7,400.0008/16/202310/26/2023Mississippi Department of Environmental QualityYFY24

Is Cleanup Necessary? Yes
EPA Assessment Funding: $7,400.00
Leveraged Funding:
Total Funding: $7,400.00

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment.

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Contaminants and Media

Cadmium (Cd)
Other Metals
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
Ground Water
NOT Cleaned up

Cleanup Activities

There are no current cleanup activities.

Cleanup/Treatment Implemented:
Cleanup/Treatement Categories:
Addl Cleanup/Treatment info: Groundwater Contaminant plume has implemented injection technologies in an attempt to lower lead and cadmium contamination in groundwater.
Address of Data Source:
Total ACRES Cleaned Up: 85.7
Number of Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
EPA Cleanup Funding:
Leveraged Funding:
Cost Share Funding:
Total Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls

Proprietary Controls Government Controls
Under a Restrictive Use Agreed Order including land restrictions that prevent use of subsurface soils and groundwater without state review and approval.

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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

There are no current redevelopment activities.

Number of Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Actual Acreage of Greenspace Created:
Leveraged Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Redevelopment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation – Redevelopment

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Additional Property Attributes

A Phase 1 was completed on October 26, 2023 on behalf of a potential purchaser who was seeking to acquire a portion of the Exide facility property. This parcel(s) consisted of 85.7 acres and did not contain any previous industrial activities, but is impacted by metal contamination in groundwater. The potential purchaser intended to redevelop the above ground portion of the property that is not currently impacted. See below for historical summary from Phase 1 dated October 26, 2023:

The subject property is currently not in use, but is part of an active State Hazardous Waste
Site that is currently in corrective action. Current conditions of the site that warrant further
discussion are listed below:
? Drum. There was a 55-gallon drum on the subject property adjacent to the cinder
block building on the subject property. The drum was in poor condition with holes
present on the lid. The holes allowed for the water/sludge to be observed in the
interior and bottom of the drum. Evidence of the contents from the drum leaking
from the drum were observed and included solidified contents on the side of the
drum and on the ground, surface surrounding the drum. The solidified contents
indicate the contents were petroleum-based products. Because there is evidence
that the drum leaked and the leaked contents appear to be petroleum-based, the
drum is considered a REC.
? Illegal Dumping. There appeared to be an area that illegal dumping occurred near
the former house on the subject property in a ditch. The contents consist of a
55-gallon drum and other solid materials, such as plastic blinds and a pool ladder.
Since hazardous waste and petroleum products were not observed, the illegal
dumping area is not considered a REC.
? Pole-Mounted Transformer. A pole-mounted transformer is located on the
subject property boundary between the subject property and the adjoining property
to the northeast. The transformer appeared to be in good condition, and there were
no signs of leaks observed. Since there were no signs of a release, the pole mounted
transformer is not considered a REC.
? Motor Oil Containers. There were two gallon-sized, plastic containers of motor
oil observed adjacent to the cinder block building on the subject property. There
were no signs of a release from the containers. Since there were no signs of a
release and a release from these containers would be considered a de minimis
condition, the motor oil containers are not considered a REC.
? SHWS. There were numerous monitoring wells observed throughout the subject
property during the site reconnaissance. Some of the wells are stick-up wells with
a metal box, concrete pad, and concrete bollards surrounding them. While the other
wells are flush mount metal mounts and concrete well pads. The subject property
appears to be associated with the Chloride Metals/GNB/Exide & Florence
Oxide/Expander Plant site, listed as the address of the adjoining property to the
northeast, is listed on the SEMS database. The site is not listed on the NPL. A
discovery was made on August 1, 1980. Site Investigations were completed on
February 27, 1990 and June 17, 1985. A Preliminary Assessment was completed
on September 1, 1982. The site received a federal NFA on February 25, 1998. The
subject property is currently part of an active SHWS. There is soil and
groundwater contamination at the site. The major contaminant is listed as lead with
the highest reported concentration of 0.124 mg/L. PPM conducted a file review at
the MDEQ and reviewed the 2021 Annual Groundwater and Surface Water
Monitoring and Corrective Action Status Report dated July 28, 2021. On
October 23, 2020, Exide Technologies abandoned the former chloride metals site
that includes the adjoining property to the northeast and subject property as part of
bankruptcy proceedings. All site operations were ceased prior to this abandonment.
The former chloride metals site was placed into the Exide Envi
Commercial (85.7)
ID Number (if Applicable): 2020 Enrolled:

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