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2923 Park Avenue Huntington, WV 25704
38.40126 / -82.49679
Bartel, Janice

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Property Location

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Property Progress

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CAs Associated with this Property

CA NameCA #StateTypeAnnouncement Year
West Virginia Department of Environmental ProtectionBF96379501WVAssessment2020
West Virginia Department of Environmental ProtectionRP98394501WVSection 128(a) State/Tribal2005

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Assessment Activities at this Property

ActivityEPA FundingStart DateCompletion DateCAAccomplishment Counted?Counted When?
Phase I Environmental Assessment12/15/200312/15/2003West Virginia Department of Environmental ProtectionN
Phase II Environmental Assessment$2,815.0012/15/200312/15/2003West Virginia Department of Environmental ProtectionYFY06
Supplemental Assessment$6,410.0011/02/202101/11/2022West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

Is Cleanup Necessary? Unknown
EPA Assessment Funding: $9,225.00
Leveraged Funding: $1.00
Total Funding: $9,226.00

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment.

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Contaminants and Media

Petroleum Products
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up
Building Materials
NOT Cleaned up
NOT Cleaned up

Cleanup Activities

There are no current cleanup activities.

Cleanup/Treatment Implemented:
Cleanup/Treatement Categories:
Addl Cleanup/Treatment info:
Address of Data Source:
Total ACRES Cleaned Up: 5.5
Number of Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
EPA Cleanup Funding:
Leveraged Funding:
Cost Share Funding:
Total Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls


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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

There are no current redevelopment activities.

Number of Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Actual Acreage of Greenspace Created:
Leveraged Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Redevelopment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation – Redevelopment

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Additional Property Attributes

A 4.88 acre portion of the property was brought into the WVDEP Voluntary Remediation Program by the land owner SHBD, LP on June 13, 2005 to address environmental concerns that were revealed by the Brownsfield Targeted assessment. Additional assessment activities are on going but have identified tetrachloroethylene in the groundwater, PAHs in soil in some areas, and limited arsenic impact in the soils in additoin to the previously detected contaminants at the site. The site is currently being operated by Eagle Coating which performs industrial machine repair and coating and painting operations. It is anticipated that when the site makes it through the voluntary remediation program that institutional controls restricting the facility to industrial use and a restriction on groundwater will be required.(December 3, 2007) The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has rejected a request for a $1.2 million grant that would have been used to help redevelop this property. The grant was applied for the Huntington Area Development Council which had plans to purchase the property, redevelop it and bring in 55 new manufacturing jobs. (PPF - Old Black Diamond Industrial Property, 5/4/06)

Former Use: Old Black Diamond Industrial Property is an old (1910s) industrial area. The eastern and central portion of the property is currently used for an industrial painting operation (Eagle Coatings, Inc.). Formerly, the property was used by Compton Electrical Industries (March 1989 to late 1990) and Transformer Substation Supply (1992 until 1994?). Both operations performed service on electrical equipment, including transformers. These operations handled PCB containing oils. The initial environment issue is related to the handling, storage and disposal of the PCB material. Eight (8) fluid samples from tanks and drums on property were collected during 1993 and PCB was detected at values ranging from 28 to 243ppm. The complete history of the property has not been determined at this time.
Industry (5.5)

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