Cleanup Activities
Start Date | EPA Funding | Completion Date | CA | Accomplishment Counted? | Cleanup Documentation |
06/06/2023 | | 08/10/2023 | Paden City Development Authority Inc. | Yes | |
06/06/2023 | $500,000.00 | 08/10/2023 | Paden City Development Authority Inc. | Yes | |
Cleanup/Treatment Implemented:
Cleanup/Treatement Categories:
Addl Cleanup/Treatment info:
Debris removal (tires) from industrial park to facilitate equipment maneuvering in Section C of the Paden City Industrial Park. All items were approved of by Solid Waste Services of West Virginia, Inc. and placed in their landfill. Asbestos abatement began on the Paden City Industrial Park on June 6, 2023. Prior to abatement, background air monitoring was performed. From June 6 to June 14, asbestos abatement activities occurred on the Office Building. From June 12 to June 22, asbestos abatement activities occurred on Area 1 of Section B. On June 12, abatement activities began on Area 2. On June 13, abatement activities began on Area 3. Abatement activities occurred on Area 4 between June 15 and July 13. On June 14, abatement activities began on the boilers. Currently, abatement activities are ongoing in Areas 2, 3, and on the boilers. Disposal forms have been submitted for approval for the transport and disposal of the AFFF material and a 55-gallon drum of Alumination 301.
Address of Data Source:
Total ACRES Cleaned Up: 8.6
Number of Cleanup Jobs Leveraged: 0
EPA Cleanup Funding: $500,000.00
Leveraged Funding:
Cost Share Funding: $98,144.65
Total Funding: $598,144.65
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