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Brownfields Assessment Grant Profile

Twin Cities Metropolitan Council
Grant ID: 65869571.
Cooperative Agreement #: BP97508301

This profile provides a summary of basic grant information and the accomplishments reported to the US EPA by a Brownfields A brownfield is an abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial facility/site where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. EPA's Brownfields initiative helps communities mitigate potential health risks and restore the economic viability of such areas or properties. grant recipient.

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Profile Information

Twin Cities Metropolitan Council
09/01/1999 to 12/31/2005

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Cooperative Agreement Contact

Keary Cragan
(312) 353-5669

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Properties Addressed By This Cooperative Agreement

Property NameAddressProperty Page Link
1132 South 8th Street1132 South 8th Street Minneapolis, MN 55415Open
1515 Chicago Avenue1515 Chicago Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404Open
1611 Case Avenue1611 Case Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106Open
2309 Plymouth2309 Plymouth Ave. North Minneapolis, MN 55411Open
271 Girard271 Girard Minneapolis, MN 55405Open
2826 Stevens Avenue S.2826 Stevens Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN Open
3254 Stinson Blvd.3254 Stinson Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55418Open
727 5th Street727 5th Street Minneapolis, MN 55411Open
962 Forest962 Forest St. Paul, MN Open
American Indian Center1530 E. Franklin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404Open
Burnsville Parkway101 Civic Center Pkwy Burnsville, MN 55337Open
City of Newport property911 Fifteenth Street City of Newport, MN 55055Open
Crane-Ordway Building281 East 5th Street St. Paul, MN 55101Open
Former Roofing Company3408 Snelling Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55406Open
Garfield Avenue and 136thGarfield Avenue and 136th Burnsville, MN Open
Golden Valley Pistol Range9200 Naper Street Golden Valley, MN 55427Open
Gospel Temple ChurchCorner of Grotto St N. and Iglehart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104Open
Mississippi and HyacinthNortheast of Mississippi Street and Hyacinth Ave. St. Paul, MN Open
Nebraska & ArkwrightVacant parcels on Nebraska/ West of Arkwright St. Paul, MN 55102Open
W. 7th Street Railroad40 Kellogg Blvd W St. Paul, MN 55102Open
West 7th St. SchefferForester and Scheffer St. in West 7th St. Paul, MN 55110Open

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Assessment Activities

Property NameEPA FundingCompletion DateActivityLeveraged Funding
1132 South 8th Street$0.0012/31/2003Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
1515 Chicago Avenue$0.0012/31/2003Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
1611 Case Avenue$0.0012/31/2002Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
2309 Plymouth$0.0003/31/2003Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
2826 Stevens Avenue S.$0.0009/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
3254 Stinson Blvd.$0.0003/31/2004Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
727 5th Street$0.0012/31/2003Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
962 Forest$0.0006/30/2001Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
American Indian Center$0.0009/30/2003Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Burnsville Parkway$0.0012/31/2001Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
City of Newport property$0.0009/30/2003Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Crane-Ordway Building$0.0003/31/2004Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Former Roofing Company$0.0006/30/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Garfield Avenue and 136th$0.0012/31/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Golden Valley Pistol Range$0.0009/30/2003Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Gospel Temple Church$0.0012/31/2002Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Mississippi and Hyacinth$0.0003/31/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
Nebraska & Arkwright$0.0012/31/2000Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
W. 7th Street Railroad$0.0003/31/2001Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00
West 7th St. Scheffer$0.0003/31/2001Phase I Environmental Assessment$0.00

EPA Assessment Funding: $0.00
Leveraged Funding: $0.00
Total Funding: $0.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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Cleanup Activities

There are no Cleanup Activities for this Cooperative Agreement.
Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
Costshare Funding:
Leveraged Funding:
EPA RLF Subgrant:
EPA RLF Program Income Loaned:
EPA RLF Program Income Subgranted:
Total Funding: $0.00
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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Institutional & Engineering Controls

Property NameAre ICs Required?IC In PlaceAre ECs Required?EC In Place
1132 South 8th Street
1515 Chicago Avenue
1611 Case Avenue
2309 Plymouth
271 Girard
2826 Stevens Avenue S.
3254 Stinson Blvd.
727 5th Street
962 Forest
American Indian Center
Burnsville Parkway
City of Newport property
Crane-Ordway Building
Former Roofing Company
Garfield Avenue and 136th
Golden Valley Pistol Range
Gospel Temple Church
Mississippi and Hyacinth
Nebraska & Arkwright
W. 7th Street Railroad
West 7th St. Scheffer

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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

There are no Redevelopments for this Cooperative Agreement.

Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Leveraged Funding:
NOTE: Funding marked for deletion not included in totals

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