Cleanup Activities
Start Date | EPA Funding | Completion Date | CA | Accomplishment Counted? | Cleanup Documentation |
09/08/2010 | $126,598.61 | 03/28/2013 | Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development | No | |
09/08/2010 | | 03/28/2013 | Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development | No | |
09/08/2010 | | 03/28/2013 | Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development | No | |
Cleanup/Treatment Implemented:
Cleanup/Treatement Categories:
Addl Cleanup/Treatment info:
A soil vapor extraction (SVE) and sub slab depressurization (SSD) system were installed beneath the existing building. The SVE removed 48.18 pounds of VOCs from the subsurface and was allowed by the MPCA to cease operations in January 2012. The SSD system remains in operation to maintain a negative pressure below the building.
Address of Data Source:
Total ACRES Cleaned Up: 4.25
Number of Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
EPA Cleanup Funding: $126,598.61
Leveraged Funding: $35,470.79
Cost Share Funding:
Total Funding: $162,069.40
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