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Parcel 012 139.00 West of Creekmore Housley Drive Parcel 012 139.00 West of Creekmore Housley Drive JELLICO, TN 37762
36.57198023344758 / -84.15145406368151
Perry, Olga

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Property Location

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Property Progress

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CAs Associated with this Property

CA NameCA #StateTypeAnnouncement Year
Campbell CountyBF00D24714TNAssessment2014

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Assessment Activities at this Property

ActivityEPA FundingStart DateCompletion DateCAAccomplishment Counted?Counted When?
Phase I Environmental Assessment$3,000.0005/01/201707/13/2017Campbell CountyYFY18

Is Cleanup Necessary? Unknown
EPA Assessment Funding: $3,000.00
Leveraged Funding:
Total Funding: $3,000.00

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Planning or Assessment.

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Contaminants and Media

NOT Cleaned up

Cleanup Activities

There are no current cleanup activities.

Cleanup/Treatment Implemented:
Cleanup/Treatement Categories:
Addl Cleanup/Treatment info:
Address of Data Source:
Total ACRES Cleaned Up: 16.8
Number of Cleanup Jobs Leveraged:
EPA Cleanup Funding:
Leveraged Funding:
Cost Share Funding:
Total Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Demolition or Cleanup.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls


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Redevelopment and Other Leveraged Accomplishments

There are no current redevelopment activities.

Number of Redevelopment Jobs Leveraged:
Actual Acreage of Greenspace Created:
Leveraged Funding:

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Climate Adaption and Mitigation - Redevelopment

There is no data for Climate Adaption and Mitigation – Redevelopment

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Additional Property Attributes

Former Use: Number of Parcels and Acreage - One parcel containing 16.8 acres; Number of Building(s) and Square Footage - There are no buildings present; Current Property Use - Vacant land. Standard and other historical sources were able to document that the property was developed with a residence and an outbuilding on the eastern portion of the property prior to 1951. The residence was demolished between 1951 and 1969, and the outbuilding was demolished between 1969 and 1976. The property was agricultural land from at least 1951 until between 1997 and 2006 when agricultural operations ceased. The property has been vacant land since at least 2006. We observed 20, 55-gallon drums on the northern portion of the property. The drums were staged on the bare ground, and some were laying on their sides. The drums contained unknown contents, rainwater, and trash or were burn barrels. The drums may have contained hazardous substances and/or petroleum products. The drums were not located within secondary containment, and were not covered. Additionally, the drums were staged on a non-paved surface. The potential exists for the drums to have leaked and/or for spills to have occurred while filling or transporting the drums.

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